Friday, July 4, 2008

Feeling so froggy lately!

Who knew? I really like training but lately...not so much. I need to get off my ever growing rear and get out there. I haven't swam since COMBAT and I have Summertime Blues in a few weeks. I need to get on my bike and ride but that has been two weeks. The only bright side is that I ran last week. I need to start recommitting to running during the week. Period. End of story. I need to work on my nutrition. I have to start eating something before I run. Yuck...hate doing that but there is no other alternative. Sorry for the ranting.


drc said...

you know, i was having a conversation with myself regarding this very topic. why is it soooo hard to get out there and train? so, let's do it together? i know i do much better when i have to meet someone, so let's do that! we did it for combat, and even though i don't anticipate doing another tri anytime soon (not counting ironbabe since that's a relay), i'll still do the training!

let me know girlie :-)