Saturday, July 19, 2008

A couple of Sudafed, a dead computer, a dead pair of running shoes, and this list goes on!!

Okay, I have had sinus and allergy trouble for about a week now (living in Houston will do that to a person). So my old allergy med's put me to sleep all day when I didn't want to sleep, so Doc switched me to Zyrtec, which keeps me up all night. Gees! Cannot get it right to save my life. Sudafed seems to be doing the trick right now so I continue on with that.

One big thing I learned on my 4 mile run this morning...SUDAFED AND RUNNING DO NOT MIX...EVER!!! I have never felt so light headed, giggly, exhausted, and headachey as I did this morning! I was singing to my iPod (never have the energy to do), headache creeped up at mile 3 so I walked the rest of the way in with a friend and never felt guilty for doing it. Sometimes you just have to listen to your body, even if your mind says something else. My shoes are now officially retired. I got 8 good months out of them so I am pleased. Not pleased that they don't make my style anymore, but building a bridge to get over it!

I am also taking 2 master's level classes in 4 weeks. It is a version of academic h**l! Papers, projects, group projects, reading... Wow! But it will be over soon and I just keep looking to the future. My computer died this week (mourning a bit on all fronts, now that I think about it!)
It was 8 years old (in computer land, I hear that is retirement home age). I now have a fancy smancy computer that can do everything but find me a date!

Anyways, going to work on a terrible project on Microsoft Access. I hate that program!!!!!