Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Why I run...

I saw this thread on Runners World and thought it would make an excellent entry given my current mood.

I run so that I can tell my future children what it is like to complete a race....
I run so that I can spread the word about cancer...
I run to keep my spirit alive and kicking...
I run so that I can be a role model to my students to strive for the impossible...
I run to keep in shape and know that I am alive...
I run to destress from is just me and the pavement and miles to cover.
I love to run to feel the wind on my face and the sun on my skin.
I look forward to the Saturday LSD's...
I love the feel of a new bib tacked to the front of my shirt...
I run to hear the gun go off and start running behind the crush of humanity...
I run so that I can say "I did that!"
I run so that I can silence the naysayers telling me I am not good at it...
I do it to raise awareness for different causes.
I run for those who have had their bodies beaten up by a disease that they cannot control...
I run to allow others the chance to experience the thrill of a race!