Saturday, February 9, 2008

Surfside Half Marathon or bust!!!!

Okay, I have never run in the sand before. Much less in a race fashion. was awesome! It was a tiny race (less than 500) and it was an up the beach down the beach to go back up the beach to the finish. Everything was cranking along, had Jana and Angie as running buddies today and we were trucking. Dawn was playing the role of cheerleader because of a knee injury. By mile 7 Jana jutted out and Angie and I finished together. I have to send a big "thank you" to Angie because at mile 11, I think, a dense fog rolled in. First it started behind us and looked like it was going to storm. Okay, can deal with that... have before. But about 10 minutes later you couldn't see 2 feet in front, beside, or behind you. Kind of scary because you couldn't see what was coming up, or who was coming up. We ran closer to the water, who knows why, maybe to duck away from crazy lunatics that might attack a racer on the beach?!?! I couldn't even see the finish line until it was right there! 3 hours 30 minutes. Not bad but no PR for me! Wasn't expecting it for this race anyways!