Wednesday, February 20, 2008


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Why I run...

I saw this thread on Runners World and thought it would make an excellent entry given my current mood.

I run so that I can tell my future children what it is like to complete a race....
I run so that I can spread the word about cancer...
I run to keep my spirit alive and kicking...
I run so that I can be a role model to my students to strive for the impossible...
I run to keep in shape and know that I am alive...
I run to destress from is just me and the pavement and miles to cover.
I love to run to feel the wind on my face and the sun on my skin.
I look forward to the Saturday LSD's...
I love the feel of a new bib tacked to the front of my shirt...
I run to hear the gun go off and start running behind the crush of humanity...
I run so that I can say "I did that!"
I run so that I can silence the naysayers telling me I am not good at it...
I do it to raise awareness for different causes.
I run for those who have had their bodies beaten up by a disease that they cannot control...
I run to allow others the chance to experience the thrill of a race!


Sunday, February 17, 2008

Contemplations and one new running club!

Things have been crazy since Surfside. My knee has been bothering me since the race and I know that it is from running in the sand. Oh well! At least I know that I did a great job! Anyways, I had been thinking of starting training for a Triathalon next year and maybe a duathlon this year. A friend looked at me and said "We are doing this!" after sputtering I said Okay and it started. Apparently I am going to go nuts and train for 3 disciplines. Oh well! I have this running thing down. I know what I have to do to get the job done. Now on to swimming and biking!

Also, the group I had been training with has undergone a "change of management" so to speak. Since I cannot get behind the new management I chose to leave. Now I run with Gulf Coast Running Club. There are about 30 to 40 of us and we run out of a local high school on Saturdays. Can't wait for the good times!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Surfside Half Marathon or bust!!!!

Okay, I have never run in the sand before. Much less in a race fashion. was awesome! It was a tiny race (less than 500) and it was an up the beach down the beach to go back up the beach to the finish. Everything was cranking along, had Jana and Angie as running buddies today and we were trucking. Dawn was playing the role of cheerleader because of a knee injury. By mile 7 Jana jutted out and Angie and I finished together. I have to send a big "thank you" to Angie because at mile 11, I think, a dense fog rolled in. First it started behind us and looked like it was going to storm. Okay, can deal with that... have before. But about 10 minutes later you couldn't see 2 feet in front, beside, or behind you. Kind of scary because you couldn't see what was coming up, or who was coming up. We ran closer to the water, who knows why, maybe to duck away from crazy lunatics that might attack a racer on the beach?!?! I couldn't even see the finish line until it was right there! 3 hours 30 minutes. Not bad but no PR for me! Wasn't expecting it for this race anyways!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

An awesome Saturday Run!

I had one of the best runs of my life today. The weather was perfect, about 60 once the sun came up, and little humidity and sunny. I went about 8.5 miles and enjoyed it. I ran by myself intentionally so I could simulate the race next Saturday. I cannot find my watch right now and refused to look for it last night. So I ran a "Zen Run" today. I ran more than I have in the past and was able to shave 30 seconds off each mile. I was very excited and felt great afterwards! I enjoyed my Einstein Bros Bagel afterwards!!!!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Running Surfside alone! Whatever shall I do?

I guess I am all alone in the big race. Okay, I can run by myself but why? It is so much better with a comrade in crime. Makes the time pass. Some people enjoy the solitarity, not me. I like talking and cutting up and laughing while I am out there. I am not all "Little Miss Serious Runner", you know the kind, all decked out head to toe, can't stand a slow person around them, no need for aid stations they are tougher than that. My theroy on half marathons is "If you cannot have fun, why are you doing this??" My running partner, we will call her "Cheery Carrie" cannot run or even walk because the doctor says no. She begged and pleaded (kinda reminds me of me!) and to no avail. Okay so it will be my iPod(yes, I am a proud iPod user and USATF will have to pry it out of my cold dead hands!), the waves of the Gulf of Mexico and 499 of my closet friends there! It will be tough but I will persevere!!!!