Saturday, December 22, 2007

I really did 12 this week!

Okay, last week I was supposed to go 12 miles. I only went 10.5. So I was a bit upset. This week I was bound and determined to do 12 miles, no matter if it kills me! I did it! I hurt all over right now and my body is screaming at me even though I finished my run at 9:30 this morning. Popped an Excedrin Back and Body, still waiting for it to work.

I really enjoyed the run. I changed my interval to a 1 min. run and a 3 min. walk. It seems to work better now. I just really hit the wall at mile 9 and started eating Shot Bloc's like they were candy. At least this week they weren't frozen. Last week my water, Gatorade and Shot Bloc's were a tad bit cold and thought they would break my jaw on them!

Oh well! Houston I come!