Saturday, December 8, 2007

Holy it really December? Or are my eyes deciving me?

Oh, I hear Christmas songs on the radio, have a Christmas tree farm next door, and have my Christmas tree up. So why doesn't it feel like freaking Christmas? In Texas today it was a balmy 80 degrees with 90 percent humidity. So I set out to complete 13 miles today. Lofty ambitions for a tortoise like me. I made 10 and am thrilled. I wore shorts and a short sleeved tech shirt and could have just run in my sports bra and shorts if I didn't mind offending the general public. It is supposed to be cold!!!!!! Anyways, the run was fine, I had to get new shoes today because my others were shot and started having IT band problems as a result. They no longer make my other favorites so I have the "Upgrade" NB858's. Don't feel a difference other than the blisters I received from wearing them for 1 hour. Oh well! Maybe next week will be better!