Monday, December 31, 2007

Anatomy of a Runner's Mentality

This is going to be a bit long so bear with it. It is worth it!

Two years ago I saw a sign that was like "hey you want to run a half marathon? We will train you." I laughed! Then I was that same bugger down the street at another intersection, and then again. So finally I was "YES ALREADY!". So I signed up and put my heart into the beginning then kind of slacked off a bit but kept going. I wasn't going to quit after I told everyone I knew and didn't know at the time that I was going to finish the Houston Half Marathon. I was plugging along clocking up the mileage and getting all excited because I am not an athlete, I am a ballet dancer. This was rockin' stuff man! Then I did a 10 mile run, felt fine but not great. The next day felt fine but not great. Every other step was excruciating. I just assumed it was because I had just done 10miles! I went to my Sports Medicine Doc who was also a marathon runner herself and she confirmed my worst fear. I broke my right tallus bone, the bone directly in the center of my ankle. I was out for the half. I was devistated to say the least. I was in the Blue group in my running group so I got a blue cast to signify that I was still a Bluer at heart. I gave up, plain and simple. Wasn't going to start so why eat right and think about training again? Who cared, I didn't. I didn't lace up my marathoning shoes for a full season. Then those annoying signs started popping up in July, so I decided that even if I had to have a conventional wheelchair where someone pushed me, I was going to finish.

Last night we had a non-tailgating tailgaing party. We never made it to the stadium, long story. Anyways, we were discussing the mindset of a runner how it can go from "yea, I am king of this craziness", to "holy crap, I may not start because of an injury". One of the coaches said it took him 30 seconds to switch when he felt an injury coming on. I piped up and said "It took less that that for me, the time it took to show me an x-ray." That brought on the usual comments that I always get when I tell my story... "You are doing this again?" "Are you nuts?" "Why?". I always respond with "because I want to prove to myself that I can."

In making these statements a coach who is superfast in my book and someone I look up to, was talking to another coach after I had left last night saying, "That is a runner's mind right there, I admire that." Woooowwwww! The highest compliment in my book!!!!! This is from a man who qualifed and ran Boston, New York, and Marine Corps Marathon. I couldn't believe it and still cannot. It is amazing!!!!!! It sure made the last part of my run today feel great! Thanks Trent!!!!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

A Niece, a run, and a wedding...

This week Santa sent me a new princess. My niece was born on Thursday at 1:02 am. Which means no run other than Monday. I knew I was going to pay for it on Saturday. And I did! I went 10 miles on a taper before Houston. 13 days! I cannot believe it. It was 38 degrees when we started and I couldn't feel my hands or rear. My bottle had soap suds still in it so my Gatorade was sudsy and gross tasting. I sucked wind the last 2 miles. I need to speed up...only after Houston. My favorite band director got married today. Congrats! The stairs (3o of them) up to the reception was killer!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

I really did 12 this week!

Okay, last week I was supposed to go 12 miles. I only went 10.5. So I was a bit upset. This week I was bound and determined to do 12 miles, no matter if it kills me! I did it! I hurt all over right now and my body is screaming at me even though I finished my run at 9:30 this morning. Popped an Excedrin Back and Body, still waiting for it to work.

I really enjoyed the run. I changed my interval to a 1 min. run and a 3 min. walk. It seems to work better now. I just really hit the wall at mile 9 and started eating Shot Bloc's like they were candy. At least this week they weren't frozen. Last week my water, Gatorade and Shot Bloc's were a tad bit cold and thought they would break my jaw on them!

Oh well! Houston I come!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Holy it really December? Or are my eyes deciving me?

Oh, I hear Christmas songs on the radio, have a Christmas tree farm next door, and have my Christmas tree up. So why doesn't it feel like freaking Christmas? In Texas today it was a balmy 80 degrees with 90 percent humidity. So I set out to complete 13 miles today. Lofty ambitions for a tortoise like me. I made 10 and am thrilled. I wore shorts and a short sleeved tech shirt and could have just run in my sports bra and shorts if I didn't mind offending the general public. It is supposed to be cold!!!!!! Anyways, the run was fine, I had to get new shoes today because my others were shot and started having IT band problems as a result. They no longer make my other favorites so I have the "Upgrade" NB858's. Don't feel a difference other than the blisters I received from wearing them for 1 hour. Oh well! Maybe next week will be better!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Running without any light!

That was interesting to say the least! I was on a track at the local high school and it was about 5:30. It gets dark here at 5:45ish if not earlier. I completed about 2.5 miles before me and my running friend gave up. We couldn't see those still on the track and it was almost pitch black. I don't usually run because of the safety factor. I am a reasonable gal who doesn't take unnecesary risks. Although the treadmill may just be a fate worse than death! I can handle the track but not for long it will drive me batty!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

It was a blast...of cold air!

I went out today after work. I actually was inspired by a half marathoner on television saying she was running today. My students really hacked me off today with their whining and complaining (high school freshmen...I rest my case!). So I was in a snarky mood after work. The run was just the ticket! Half way through my ankle (the one I broke) decided it wanted me to walk in the cold weather. Oh well. I did it fast and went 2 miles which was just the ticket! Felt better afterwards, now to fix my headache and empty stomach!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Did I even workout on Saturday?

I don't feel like it. I hadn't trained all week and so I was going to take it very easy on 11 miles. I just feel like I didn't do anything! I am not sore, I don't have the usual muscle aches. Kinda weird. Oh well! I am going to do 3 miles tomorrow whether the weather cooperates or not! I don't care. I crave that "my muscles ache but I will solider on" feeling!!!

Monday, November 26, 2007

I can see clearly now the rain is gone!

I know it is cheesy but it works for me! The sun returned triumphantly today. But no running occurs on Mondays. I had a huge meeting after school today and I try not to run in the dark. No biggie to me! I will get my 3 days of running in with a day of rest before 11 or 12 miles (holy crap! can my legs handle it??? Heck Yes!). I feel like a traitor today because I didn't run. I guess I am getting into a habit and felt crazy for not running this weekend. Some brave folks in my running group rain this weekend but alas, I am not that die hard, get sick or go home kind of folk!

Hills tomorrow! I really like flat land better!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Play it again Sam...

Again, it is rainy and cold. I can do the cold, I can do the rain...but I cannot do the combo. I have 2 and 1/2 weeks before Christmas break from work and refuse to spend them sick. I plan to do 5 to 7 on Monday if the weather improves. On other fronts, I love the cold but now my sinuses are messed up. I cannot breathe, but breathing is overrated. I went out this morning trying to find Jimmie Johnson christmas bulbs. See I have a complete NASCAR christmas tree complete with cars and little pit crew members. I busted a few bulbs over the years and need more #48 bulbs. I am still on the lookout. So if you see some let me know!!!!!! Stay warm

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Rain Out!

Today was a complete wash! Literally! It rained all day and I never saw the sun. Now I know what the folks in Seattle feel like! I was slated to run 11 miles today. I was super excited since this would have been the furthest I had ever gone before. I was not in the running gods favor today. Oh well! I will try again later. I would love to say that my day was productive...but I can't. I caught up on Season 3 of One Tree Hill and am anxiously awaiting Season 4 release. It is my guilty pleasure!