Monday, November 17, 2008

A first ever!

I ran my very first marathon on Sunday November 16, 2008. The San Antonio Rock N Roll Marathon was a humbling experience. I realized many things along the way. Since I do better with lists, here goes my "Things I learned through my Marathon Experience"

  • The world is bigger than you and me
  • A sea of humanity is a pretty big sea.
  • A body can be pushed beyond what you think is possible.
  • The body can also survive and thrive on a banana, Shot Bloc's, 2 Oreos, and CytoMax
  • Never under estimate the power of a "you are doing a great job", It may be what you need at that point in your life.
  • It is okay to cry, out loud with tears streaming down your face. That doesn't mean I am going to quit, it just means I am overcome by the moment in my life.
  • Crossing a finish line, any finish line, is a fantastic feeling that should be taken by everyone at any time in their life!
  • It really is mind over matter!
  • 26.2 miles is purely mental. Eat the bear one bite at a time, do not try to consume the whole thing at once, or it will consume you!
  • After 13.1 miles, knew I was tough, after 20 miles I knew I could finish, after 26.2 miles I knew I was too tough to kill!
  • You have many miles and hours to contemplate life, or just yell in your head, "This sucks, what the hell were you thinking?"
  • I realized that San Antonio's Mission Trails are extremely brutal and the marathon course coordinator is a sick sadistic bastard!

I know I am too tough to kill on the course! I did it and only a small percentage of the population can say they did I did on Sunday. What were you doing on Sunday?