Monday, November 17, 2008

A first ever!

I ran my very first marathon on Sunday November 16, 2008. The San Antonio Rock N Roll Marathon was a humbling experience. I realized many things along the way. Since I do better with lists, here goes my "Things I learned through my Marathon Experience"

  • The world is bigger than you and me
  • A sea of humanity is a pretty big sea.
  • A body can be pushed beyond what you think is possible.
  • The body can also survive and thrive on a banana, Shot Bloc's, 2 Oreos, and CytoMax
  • Never under estimate the power of a "you are doing a great job", It may be what you need at that point in your life.
  • It is okay to cry, out loud with tears streaming down your face. That doesn't mean I am going to quit, it just means I am overcome by the moment in my life.
  • Crossing a finish line, any finish line, is a fantastic feeling that should be taken by everyone at any time in their life!
  • It really is mind over matter!
  • 26.2 miles is purely mental. Eat the bear one bite at a time, do not try to consume the whole thing at once, or it will consume you!
  • After 13.1 miles, knew I was tough, after 20 miles I knew I could finish, after 26.2 miles I knew I was too tough to kill!
  • You have many miles and hours to contemplate life, or just yell in your head, "This sucks, what the hell were you thinking?"
  • I realized that San Antonio's Mission Trails are extremely brutal and the marathon course coordinator is a sick sadistic bastard!

I know I am too tough to kill on the course! I did it and only a small percentage of the population can say they did I did on Sunday. What were you doing on Sunday?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Wow! It has been a while!

It has been a while since I last rambled so I thought tonight would be perfect...

I have decided to complete a full marathon. That's right boys and girls 26.2 miles in San Antonio no less. I hate hills, I hate running on hills, but I will complete this challenge.

I was planning on just doing the half...I am comfortable with the half...I own the half (and have the medals to prove it!). But my friends Dawn and Angie, will not let me rest on my laurels. So here I am going to do a full marathon.

In between there, I have 2 masters classes, a new job at work, my old job at work, and trying to get my apartment repaired. So you can see I am a busy Runner Girl! I had to get new shoes and the makers of Muzuno's are godsends to my feet right now! Gotta love it!