Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A sense of Normalcy?

What is normal? Is it the ability to sleep at night without listening with one ear for the sound of looters at night? Is it the ability to go to the grocery store and get anything you want? Is it the ability to drive around town and not have to see the destruction of a beautiful city?

Before the hurricane, I think the city of Houston and Galveston became complacent with hurricane season. We would breath a sigh of relief when a hurricane formed and went elsewhere. Not that we wished ill will on others, but we know how bad it can be.

Our once beautiful area is now littered with broken street lights, down power poles, broken water mains, mosquitos the size of a small dog, blue tarps stapled to roofs, people in line to get basic necessities that you don't normally see. It is not normal to see a Lexus in line to get ice, it isn't normal to see a cement slab that should have a house on it.

So I beg the question, "What is normal?"
I think it is when the city can finally sleep with electricity and not having to sit up with a shotgun in your lap to protect your property. there is a very big sense of uneasiness when the sun goes down right now. I would love to get rid of it. I want to feel safe where I live, not that I don't please do not get me wrong. I love where I live and I would gladly pay the price again in a heartbeat. But I want to feel that I can sleep without worry. Drive down the street without trying to figure out if a red light is working. Look out and not see dead limbs of trees or trunks of former trees in the yards.

Just rambling tonight. Sorry!