Saturday, January 26, 2008

Spirit of the Marathon Movie

I went to see "The Spirit of the Marathon" movie on Thursday. Not knowing what I was in for, after only seeing the trailer, it looked promising. I was suprised beyond belief. There were pieces of me being shown (not literally!). They interviewed Deena Kastor, Paula Radcliffe, Katherine Switzer, and various non-elites who were training for the Chicago Marathon. It was awesome because everyone in that theatre knew the pain, sweat and tears it takes to complete 26.2 or 13.1. There were "oh, that is so me!" to "I love that shirt!" I think it caputured why we do this. Because others say we can't, or shouldn't.

I think that in pushing our bodies to do what others feel is impossible, is when I truly feel free!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Rainy, nasty and a broken window...

I went to go meet my runnin' buddy and as I turned the corner to go to the school, a whoose of cold air came in the car. I looked back and the passenger side rear window broke...down. Now it is misting pretty good. So she went to the gym and I headed to the car dealership. After dropping the car off I ran back (literally) to my apartment complex which is about 1/2 mile away. Luckily, I could handle the mileage! So I used the terrible, horrible treadmill. Can't stand it. Oh well, got the time in (40 min.) and left. And ran back 1/2 mile to the car dealership to pick up the car. The guy at the dealership thought I had lost my mind. Probably have. I have a personal is called running....try to catch it!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Aramco Houston Half Marathon Experience

Where to begin??? My runnin' buddy and myself intentionally started at the back of the black wave of half marathoners. This totally scared me because I was afraid of being left by the police cars. Anyone who lives in Houston knows that Houston traffic is no place for a lonely pedestrian, much less a half-marathoner. We walked for the 1st mile to wait for the jackrabbits of the group to fall off the pace. The first mile felt great! I had never seen so many people out doing one particular sport, an individual sport, in all my life. 17,000 of my closest friends were there cheering each other on as we attempted to do what seemed the a half-marathon. The elites were done with the half by the time I made it to the 3 mile marker but that was fine with me. I was running my race and racing my plan. I was on target for a 3:15 finish or a 15 min. mile. I enjoyed the marching band that came out in the blistering cold (40 degrees with a breeze), I enjoyed the Child Advocates group with there blue and white hand clappers screaming and yelling loudly that we could do it and we were looking great! We came upon some of my students from the high school I teach at, there were 40 that ran, and that was a proud moment that had to be captured on film via my throwaway camera. Tear, Tear!

We came upon White Oak and saw families out in their yards holding signs or just clapping and cheering, there was even a "Marathon Party" going on complete with beer (probably from the night before) and party goers! The atmosphere was amazing.

Then the turnaround that never the song! We started up Studewood that turns into Montrose. There were more people there than I could ever imagened. My running buddy's family was there, so we stopped for a picture. Then I kept looking for my family. This was great because it totally took my mind off of the fact that my 10 mile wall was coming. I usually start to fall off my pace around this time. Not this time... one my wonderful running coaches came over a took a picture and a hug. The other was yelling Congrats on your first Half! I also came upon a co-worker who was bravely standing in the cold to cheer on kids and teachers alike. She will be out there next year! There were live bands, people dressed up, just general yelling. Saw my parents, shead some clothes and my trusty Amphipod that really wasn't necessary, since the aid stations were stocked! (Thanks for that!) My parents had signs, my brother was taking pictures and love was abound. Then the wall hit... my legs almost couldn't handle the interval I was pushing so Shot Bloc's to the rescue. It did the trick. Turned onto West Dallas and then onto Allen Parkway (Hills yuck...) I had already encountered those before with the Koala/Houston Half Relay. Then the sign....1.5 miles to go. I hate that sign....really do. We turned into downtown and now my mind is freaking out because I had never done a training run past 12 miles. At 12.1 miles I started crying uncontrollably, telling myself that I just couldn't do it and didn't want to finish. I think I remember asking the rickshaw driver to take me to the finish line! We turned onto the homestretch. I don't remember hearing the crowd, saw them though, their signs and screams were great even if they weren't for me! I saw the end and couldn't believe it! My running buddy just kept telling me I could do it, and keep going, we were almost there! She grabbed my camera, went across the line and took one of the most rewarding pictures there ever was, me completing my first half marathon. This is something most people would never push themselves to do and I did it! She grabbed me and almost squeezed the last of the life out of me! I was so proud of us! Me, my running buddy who never gave up on me, and everyone else who ran! Got my medal, wore it all day, and Monday (a bit of a cheese but who cares!) I COMPLETED MY FIRST HALF-MARATHON!!! HOW ABOUT THAT!!!!! :)

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Bittersweet Symphony

Today was the last official training run from my group for the Houston Half Marathon. I am Dr. Seuss says I have feet in my shoes and brains in my head... My running partner got sick this week so I was flying solo today. April ran with me and things were great! We did a 2 min. run with a 5 min. walk inbetween. On the run we saw 3 packs of bikers who looked to be training for the MS 150, lots of mud, rain, and humidity. Today was the first day that I found salt deposits on my face after the run. They say it is from eating something salty the day before and not hydrating enough (Oops!). I crossed the finish line with my group that came back to get me. Thanks Dawn, Jim, Jana, Shirley, Dawn, Shannon, Reagan, Betty and anyone else who has supported me this season! Your words of encouragement has meant the world to me while I try to accomplish the seemingly impossible. I am still running in the off season, I have two more races scheduled. Oh well, miles to go before I finish....