Sunday, November 1, 2009

Surfside 2009

Okay Surfside race is awesome...except after a hurricane. It almost made me want to cry. We had survived Ike in my hometown, but Surfside was not so lucky. The course was the "new beach" which included running around pilings where houses once stood and a house with belongings still inside and no way to get into (the stairs were missing).

It was my friend D's first race. So friends and I stayed with her. We saw many things on our 13.1 miles of beach. We saw 2 dead dolphins (that can stink up a beach for sure!), a hole in the sand where we think a sewage line was (that stinks too!) and then came the weather elements!

There was wind, rain, hail... and we got soaked. It took hours for us to warm back up. That was after a shower at the beachhouse and staying under a heavy comforter for 3 to 4 hours.

I have to say that was a tough one, but memorable!

It Sure has been a while!

I was looking at a friend's sister's blog and remembered I had one too! :)

I also realized I had not posted since Houston of this year. I must be really slacking but here is my reason why...I GRADUATE WITH MY MASTERS DEGREE ON DECEMBER 12!!!

So my running has been slightly sidelined while I finish up.